www.ringingcedarsusa.com is the authorized distributor of Ringing Cedars of Russia.
Distribution - Information for the trade

Siberian Cedar Nut Oil
1Box = 70 Packings
35.85USD 1Packing Siberian Cedar Nut Oil is a unique natural source of vitamins, microelements, amino acids and proteins. It comes from the first cold press of the Siberian Cedar Nuts, that are exclusively grown in Russian wild forests. Cedar Oil is a great remedy for oncologycal diseases. It is also biologically active and helps to strengthen one's immune system.
  19.72USD 1-5 Box
  17.92USD 6-15 Box
  16.13USD 15+ Box
Cedar Nuts 500g 24.95USD 1Packing Row Siberian Cedar Nuts are rich with essential aliphatic acids, proteins, easily consuming sugars, cellulose, vitamins E, C, D, and other valuable mineral substances. The daily need of a body in iodine, magnesium, cupper, zinc, and cobalt can be provided in iodine, magnesium, cupper, zinc, and cobalt can be provided by 100 grams of Cedar Nuts.
  16.22USD 50-100 Pac
  14.97USD 100-600Pac
  13.72USD 600-1000Pac
  12.48USD 1000Pac +
Cedar Nuts 100g 5.25USD 1Packing
  3.41USD 50-100 Pac
  3.15USD 100-600Pac
  2.89USD 600-1000Pac
  2.63USD 1000Pac +
Unshelled Cedar Nuts 1kg 21.50USD 1Packing
  13.98USD 50-300 Pac
  12.90USD 300-700Pac
  11.83USD 700-1400Pac
  10.75USD 1400Pac +
Cedar Flour 12.00USD 1Packing Cedar flour and meal is produced from pressed kernel of Siberian Cedar nuts. It has an ability to absorb toxins and carry them out of the body. The daily use of 1-4 table spoons of flour or meal will completely supply a body with necessary nutrition. It is a great remedy for cachexy and exhaustion. It is also beneficial for people suffered from serious diseases. It is widely used for curing of blood and lymph diseases. Cedar flour and meal should be an essential part of diet of pregnant women, nursing mothers (to improve lactation), and young children.
  7.80USD 30-60 Pac
  6.60USD 60-900Pac
  5.40USD 1000Pac +
Cedar Cone 5.00USD 1Packing Cedar Cone contents cedar seeds that can be used for planting Siberian Cedar Pine.
  2.75USD 50-190 Pac
  2.50USD 190-900Pac
  2.25USD 900Pac +
Cedar Wood Spoons (2) 11.99USD 1Packing Cedar wood spoons are the best for eating cedar oil. Cedar oil should not get into any contact with metals, especially aluminum, because in that case it undergoes some chemical changes unfavorable for one's health. Overall, the wooden spoon made with love out of natural Cedar wood is a great substitute for a metal one. Siberian Cedar wood as a splendid antibacterial material which has an ability to keep its qualities over time. Siberian Cedar wood has fine pleasant fragrance. Wooden spoon helps to preserve dental enamel and does not effect negatively a chemical contents of food.
  6.59USD 100-500 Pac
  5.99USD 500-1000Pac
  5.39USD 1000Pac +
Cedar Wood Charm 4.00USD 1Packing Cedar Wood has an ability to collect positive energy from the Universe. It brings a good luck and helps the owner of Cedar Charm to stay balanced and successful.
  2.20USD 100-500 Pac
  2.00USD 500-1000Pac
  1.80USD 1000Pac +
Cedar Pillow 135.00USD 1Piece The quantity is limited.
  101.25USD 5-25 Pieces
  87.75USD 25-55 Pieces
  74.25USD 55-100 Pieces
  60.75USD 100+ Pieces

To set up the delivery call 1-877-540-6742 or email info@RingingCedarsUSA.com.

Our warmest regards,

Ringing Cedars USA, LLC.

Authorized Distributor of THE RINGING CEDARS OF RUSSIA books and products.
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